CORNERSTONE TECH TIP: Responsible Social Networking

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Chances are you are a member of one or more of these social networks.
Chances are you have posted something about work (positive and/or negative).
Chances are you have friends/followers/connections that are co-workers or your supervisor.

You have the right to remain silent . . .
Anything you post may be used against you, so be careful.
Consider that what you post online to social networks is a body of evidence. If a manager sees negative things being posted about work, it may trigger a meeting.
Be mindful of what you post regarding your company. Do not post anything sensitive about your employer online.
– Attackers use social networking sites to gather information about you and your company and use it against you.

Interview over
Potential and current employers can research your posts and pictures and make a decision on whether or not you get the job, or get a promotion.
If you post pictures of you doing illegal things, or acting overly irresponsible, it could hurt you and your career.
Be mindful of posting strongly opinionated views. This could cause coworkers to feel uncomfortable around you if they do not feel the same way.
– Think carefully about what you are posting and who can see it. It could come back to bite you.

Use what you are given
Most of the social networking sites allow you to only show specific groups of people specific information.
Use this feature. Make as little as possible ‘public.’ Consider separating work relationships from personal ones online.

Be careful what you post online. It could come back to hurt you, or the company you work for. It is perfectly fine to make use of social networking, just make sure to be responsible about it.

Let’s stay safe out there!